5 Recommended Healthy Snacks Options You Must Try
For those of you who like to eat snacks, have you noticed the compositions contained in your snacks? Are the snacks you usually eat included in the category of healthy snacks or on the contrary, can harm your health?
If you still like to eat unhealthy snacks such as fried foods that are commonly found on the roadside, you should start now to change your lifestyle because these foods contain many compositions that are not good for the body if consumed often in the long term, such as more calories. and fat than the nutrients in it. Of course, it will increase the risk of some diseases later. However, you don’t need to worry, because, in this Flokq article, we will discuss further recommendations for healthy snacks that will certainly have a good impact on your health.
Healthy snacks are synonymous with many benefits, such as being able to improve mood, reduce hunger, and keep you motivated to do activities. One of the right combinations of nutrition for healthy snacks is protein and fiber. Foods high in fiber and protein will also prevent the drowsiness that comes when you eat too much sugar. Eating small snacks several times a day can help keep your metabolism and blood sugar in check.
Then, what foods are included in the category of healthy snacks and are good for consumption for the body? Here are 5 recommendations for healthy snacks that you must try!
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1. Boiled Egg
Boiled eggs have a high protein content, can maintain appetite, and can prevent you from eating other foods that tend to be not good for your health. By eating hard-boiled eggs, you are getting a small number of calories, vitamins D and B12.
You can also combine hard-boiled eggs with some other healthy foods, such as string beans or asparagus. The fiber-rich content of asparagus or string beans can balance the natural protein from hard-boiled eggs. In addition, asparagus also contains folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, and minerals.
2. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is not just a breakfast menu, but oatmeal can be consumed as your healthy snack. Because the high fiber content makes oatmeal will help keep your blood sugar levels stable. You can add topping fruits, such as bananas, dates, blueberries, raspberries, and so on. This mixture will enrich the taste and provide additional fiber.
3. Apples and Low-Fat Milk
The next healthy snack recommendation is Apples. This fruit contains low calories, vitamin C, high fiber, antioxidants, and does not contain fat and cholesterol.
In addition to protein, you can consume this fruit with low-fat milk. The protein content in it can maintain energy levels and delay hunger for the next few hours.
4. Green Tea
Consuming green tea can be your choice when you want to eat a healthy snack. The content contained in green tea is believed to be able to help lose weight because its antioxidant content encourages the body’s metabolism.
In addition, consuming this drink can make you feel less hungry. However, you need to be more careful before consuming green tea. You can choose real brewed green tea instead of drinking packaged green tea that has been added with preservatives and artificial sweeteners.
5. Yogurt
You can make yogurt as a healthy snack to delay hunger. Yogurt contains natural sugars, fiber, healthy fats, protein, and vitamins. If you are tired of eating plain yogurt, you can add some topping the fruits in it are blueberries, strawberries, raspberry, and so forth.
One of the benefits that you will get by consuming yogurt is to facilitate digestion. This is because the probiotic content can clean the bad bacteria in the intestines.
Those are 5 recommendations for healthy snacks that you must try and can be used as a substitute for snacks that are not good for your health. By paying attention to nutrition and portions, coupled with regular exercise and other healthy lifestyles, of course, you have succeeded in maintaining the health of your body.
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