6 Volunteer Opportunities in South Jakarta
Are you interested in helping others? Willing to be productive on your day-off? Or do you want to improve your social skills? Then we suggest you to get a wonderful experience in doing something beneficial that makes you and many people be more grateful.
It is your turn to give back to others and the environment around you. As citizens of Jakarta, we have a responsibility towards our communities and environment. It is enough to take many things, so it is time to give back as much as possible. Alice Hocker says “your greatness is not what you have, but in what you give”. Therefore, it is a great chance for you to take action by volunteering.
There are many volunteering activities held by many organizations. If you are living in South Jakarta, here we recommend some volunteering opportunities that are located there so you won’t hesitate to start your action in the place where you live now.
1. Yayasan Sayap Ibu
Yayasan Sayap Ibu (YSI) is an organization that collaborates with the local government to help children to have a better life. They take care of children who: have no legal guard, the parents are unknown, the parents do not want to take responsibility, and any other reason. They have two branches which are in Jakarta and Yogyakarta.
YSI has some services like adoption and custody. They have a lot of programs such as giving therapy for neglected children, guiding parents or caretakers on how to take care of disabled children, and some educational activities for the kids. For those of you who would like to take part in caring for these children, it is your chance to contribute to becoming staff or you can also contribute to the cause by giving donations.
Address: Jl. Barito II Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta 12130
Phone: 021-722 1763
Website: sayapibujakarta.org
2. Humanity First
Established in 1995, Humanity First, a UK based aid agency, is located in more than 50 countries – all run by volunteers. One of their branches is in Jakarta and it is aimed to help victims of natural disasters by providing disaster relief and long term development assistance. It is great for you to seek a chance to dedicate yourself to a charity for the sake of humanity.
In Humanity First, you will help every single victim without looking at their race, religion, and politics. The programs here are purposely made to minimize Indonesia’s problems. One program is called Water for Life, which is aimed to help those who lack water resources and sanitation. There is also a program called Orphan Care, which takes care of children who lost their parents. Other programs they provide are the Medical Program, Education, and Disaster Relief. You could give a donation as a support to the activities.
Address: Jl. Ciputat Raya, Gg. Subur II, Rt 008/008, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta 12240
Phone: +62 21-2277 6617
Website: humanityfirst.id
3. Yayasan Wisma Cheshire
Yayasan Wisma Cheshire is a vocational training facility for adults having mobility disabilities. This foundation helps people with disabilities to have some vocational training classes and support them to keep living an independent life. Some of Wisma Cheshire’s residents’ families can’t financially support them, therefore Wisma Cheshire is aimed to help them become financially independent.
Some classes that are offered are woodworking, sewing handicraft, and learning computers as well as English classes. For those who are aware of disabilities in Indonesia and want to lend a helping hand, volunteering at Wisma Cheshire would really make your day. The things that you can help with here is to teach them in vocational classes. Other than that, you might also help them by donating money or purchasing their handmade product sold in the Red Feather Shop.
Address: Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No. 15A, West Cilandak, Cilandak, South Jakarta
Phone: +62 21-7692059
Website: wismacheshire.com
4. Rumah Harapan
Rumah Harapan is a house for children (0-17 years old) who have illnesses and whose families aren’t able to financially support them. The children come from other regions outside of Jakarta to get treatment or are hospitalized in the hospitals in Jakarta.
Established in 2014, this house was formed by Valencia Mieke Randa. It was formerly named Rumah Harapan Valencia Care Foundation. Within 2 years, this foundation has many branches in Indonesia. Indonesian actress Raline Shah then became the co-founder to help develop RHI.
Several activities you can volunteer in are giving free meals for the patients and their parents, helping them to commute back-and-forth to the hospital, and some other services that are regularly held by RHI. Those who love giving hope to children, this volunteering activity would be a great opportunity for both volunteers and patients.
Address: Jl. Tebet Timur 2B No. 1, South Jakarta
Phone: (021) 8315080
Website: rumah-harapan.com
5. Yayasan Kampung Kids
For those who enjoy teaching and playing with children, Kampung Kids is a great option for you to experience warmth and happiness.
This foundation was formed by a group of Expatriates and Indonesian citizens in 1999. Kampung Kids aims to give the children a better future by conducting many educational activities. Their current programs are health programs such as giving free medical care for children, nutrition programs by giving lunch to the students, handicraft classes, scholarship programs, tutorial programs, English classes, computer classes, and preschool programs. You can volunteer in their teaching and tutorial programs.
Yayasan Kampung Kids are super open to having expats volunteer in teaching English to the kids. You could also donate some money to support this activity if you have no time to join the programs.
Address: Jl. Terusan Pejaten Barat II No. 26-29, West Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta 12510
Phone: (021) 7194787
Website: kampungkids.org
6. Yayasan Balita Sehat (Foundation for Mother and Child Health Indonesia)
FMCH was formed by expatriate nurses who care about the health of children and mothers in Indonesia. Now, this foundation is led by an all-Indonesian and is helped by both local and international volunteers. It aims to eliminate malnutrition and the causes of poverty in the community. Their programs are varied such as health and nutrition education for parents, medical support for children, pre-school education, etc.
For those who want to give your contributions, you can volunteer in managing their website or become a teacher for some activities such as yoga class, or donate online to support their activity.
Address: Jl. H. Sa’aba No. 52 RT.02/RW.11, North Cipete, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta 12150
Phone: (021) 2793 4077
Website: fmch-indonesia.org
Twitter: @fmchindonesia
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