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12 Recommended Hanging Ornamental Plants to Fill Your Home

Hanging ornamental plants are one of the objects that can give beautiful scenery to your home. These plants are easy to find and can be customized to your taste. Many people may think of hanging ornamental plants as just decorations that fill the house. If you look at it from another perspective, this plant not only complements your home but also gives it a more beautiful and calming feel. You can buy some plants to colour your home to make it look more alive and colourful. Here are 12 recommended hanging ornamental plants to fill your home.

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1. Lobelia Flower

Lobelia flowers are one type of hanging ornamental plant that is suitable for those of you who don’t have much time to care for plants. It is a plant that is easy to grow in various seasons and does not require much care. You can start planting it by sprinkling lobelia seeds into the soil like any other plant. If it can grow well, you can move the pot to hang around the porch.

2. Geranium Flower

Geranium flowers are one of the flowers that are suitable as hanging ornamental plants. In addition, it also functions as a mosquito repellent. However, this flower requires cool weather to thrive and optimally. It requires extra care, especially in terms of moisture and powdering. It can thrive if you take care properly.

3. Heart Leaf Philodendron

Heart Leaf Philodendron is one of the ornamental plants in the form of leaves that can be an alternative for those of you who don’t really like flowers. This plant is in the form of hibiscus which is suitable for hanging in front of the terrace to make it look beautiful. In addition, this plant also functions as an absorbent of pollutants in the air so that the terrace of the house looks cleaner and fresher.

source: unsplash

4. Sedum Morganianum

Sedum morganianum is an ornamental plant similar to a cactus. This plant needs a lot of sun but little water. This makes it easy to care for. The name of this plant is a bit difficult to pronounce so many knows it as a grape cactus. This plant is suitable as a variation for hanging plants in your home considering the colour is a bit pale but still beautiful.

5. Tradescantia

Tradescantia is a hanging ornamental plant that is identical to the pattern of stripes and various colours, namely white, purple, and green. This plant can grow in various environmental conditions with a note that the roots must be maintained. It is suitable to be placed on the terrace or a place exposed to the sun.

6. Betel Marble

Betel Marble is a term for hanging ornamental plants similar to marble which is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Generally, this plant is suitable for all home designs and it can adapt to environments with minimal sunlight.

7. Dischidia Geri

Dischidia Geri is a plant that grows long dangling and is suitable to be placed indoors. This plant gives a beautiful and fresh impression to residents who spend a lot of time indoors.

source: unsplash

8. Bird’s Nest Fern

One of the plants in the form of leaves that are suitable for home decoration is Bird’s, Nest Fern. This plant requires optimal sunlight because if it is too much it will tangle but if it is too little the leaves will look flat. This plant is an epiphyte that grows in nature and attaches to other plants. It comes from tropical rain forests so it is suitable to be placed in humid places.

9. Ripple Peperomia

Ripple Peperomia is a beautiful plant and has heart-shaped leaves that have a choice of attractive colours such as green, red, grey to cream. This can provide attractive colours and patterns to beautify home decorations. It is suitable to be placed on the terrace of the house where guests who come can also enjoy the beauty of this plant.

10. Spider Plant

Spider Plant or also known as Lili Paris is a plant that is also suitable to be placed on the terrace of the house. This plant has slender leaves and can fill any space in your home. This plant is also friendly for pet owners because it is non-toxic. It is suitable to be placed in a bright room but can still adjust to low light.

source: unsplash

11. English Ivy

English Ivy is a plant that is suitable for hanging for home decor and has a full appearance that can hang from hanging baskets. However, this plant requires a large enough room considering its long strands. It is suitable to be placed in a place with moderate light, in a slightly shady place but still adaptable in low light. You can simply water it a few times when the soil is completely dry.

12. Oxalis Triangularis

Another plant that you can hang in front of your terrace is Oxalis Triangularis. It has a variety of colours and can be placed indoors or outdoors. It is also known for its leaves that can open during the day and close at night. This plant is unique because of its shape which resembles a triangular leaf. Unfortunately, this plant is not suitable for those of you who have pets because it is toxic to cats or dogs.

Those are 12 recommended hanging ornamental plants to fill your home. Hanging ornamental plants are not only beautify the house but also provide colour patterns that provide freshness and tranquillity for the residents of the house. We hope this helps!

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