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How to Paint Your Door and Window

The main door is a place for guests and residents to enter and exit, while the window functions as a path for sunlight entering from outside the house into the room. Doors and window sills are parts of the house that are often exposed to hot sun and rain or other weather changes. This weather change causes the doors and wooden frames on the windows in the house to look dull, and can even get damaged.

Paint Damage

There are two levels of damage that you must understand before making repairs to doors, namely minor damage and heavy damage. Minor damage is damage that usually only affects the top layer of wood paint, namely the top coat. We can see light damage from the slightly faded color, the presence of mold on the surface of the door. Meanwhile, serious damage can be said if 70% of the coating layer is no longer functioning. The characteristics are the color of the door is very faded, a lot of paint on the wooden door is peeled off and there can even be a lot of damage to the wood that occurs because there is no protection from the coating layer.

You can easily repair minor damage to doors, for example by repainting the surface of the door with a top coat with anti-fungal medication to prevent mold on the surface. Meanwhile, severe damage requires you to do the repainting process. You don’t need to worry, you can paint it yourself. Besides being able to take advantage of the free time you have, you can also save costs. We have a guide on how to paint doors and window frames that you can follow, let’s take a look.

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Before you start painting doors and windows yourself, you must first know the different types of paint that you can use to paint wooden doors and window frames. Various paints for wood have their respective functions.

What’ll Happen if You Do It Right

Types of wood paint

Wood Filler

The function of wood filler is to cover the paint from the wood texture such as knots, insect holes, or cracks in wood. This type of paint is suitable for use when there are textural defects on the door or window that you want to paint to cover the wood texture defects and cover large wood pores.

Wood Stain

This type of paint is known as wood plitur. Wood stain serves to cover the surface of the wood media and provides a transparent effect that shows the natural beauty of the wood grain. For the color, the thicker you coat the wood with this paint, the darker the resulting color will be.

Pigmented Color

Pigmented color is an ordinary paint with various color variants to paint the wood surface totally so that the wood grain will not be visible. This type of paint is suitable for those of you who want to paint doors and windows using various colors.

Clear Coat

Clear coat or varnish functions to produce a transparent color appearance while strengthening the wood grain and exposing the beauty of the wood grain and grooves. However, different from the type of wood stain, people only use this type of paint during the finishing process when painting.

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The Process Might Look A Bit Like This

Steps to paint a door and a window

Prepare the equipment needed

Before you repaint doors and window frames, you need to prepare the necessary equipment to make it easier for you to paint. There are also tools needed, such as sponge brushes, cutters, wood fillers, wood stain / pigmented color paints, solvents (thinner or water), fine sandpaper, clean and dry cloth, and masking tape.

Make Sure The Condition of The Doors and Window Frames is Clean and Dry

In cleaning doors and window frames, you have to remove the old coating first. Cleaning can use bio remover or with clean sandpaper. Make sure the surface of the wood is clean, if necessary scrape off the old coating using a cutter, but be careful not to damage the wood texture.

Cover The Unpainted Part Using Masking Tape

Masking Tape

For the parts you don’t want to paint, such as door knobs and door hinges, you must close them using masking tape. Do this so that the paint does not stick to the parts you don’t want to paint. Also, paint will be difficult to remove if it hits the rest of the door.

Flatten Wood Surfaces

A door or window frame that is badly damaged is bound to have many textural defects. Use wood filler to fill in the damaged wood surface. For application, you can use a clean, white cotton cloth. Use it to rub on the defective wood surface. Do it while pressing it so that the filler can fill properly.

Mix the Wood Paint with A Bit of Solvent

Before painting, first mix the paint with the solvent according to the type and dose written on the package. Stir until everything is properly mixed. Always stir the paint before applying. The paint, which always settles, can give a different color appearance if you don’t stir it before use.

Do the First Painting

First Paint

Do the painting from the left side to the right side, you can start from the top of the door. Then you can repeat the painting with the same technique at the bottom of the door. For windows, do the painting starting from the side, then continue with the top and bottom. Don’t forget to sweep the paint in the direction of the wood grain. Use a brush or sponge so that the brush strokes do not cover the wood grain.

Sandpaper to Smooth The Texture

After the first paint finish, wait for the paint to dry completely and then sand the surface. Do the sanding technique, and try not to completely peel off the paint. This is done to smooth the texture of the wood that has been painted.

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Coat with Paint Again

After finishing the sandpaper, do the painting again using the same brush with the same technique with the wood grain. If you use wood stain paint, you can do this step repeatedly until you get the desired color. A thick coating layer will provide better protection.

Apply A Clear Coat

The last thing is the provision of clear coat paint to beautify it according to the look you want. Do this to provide protection to the door and window sills. This clear top will create a strong film layer to protect the door from weather changes and also fungus or insects. In addition, this application will also give an attractive appearance from the gloss level.

Well, that’s one explanation of the various types of paint. Also, ways to paint wooden doors and windows that you can do yourself. Let’s try updating the color of the doors and window frames at home, good luck!

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