21 Indoor Houseplants Recommendations and Tips for Taking Care of Them
Do you want to find indoor houseplats that are suitable for your home? Confused how to take care of it? If you are ready, now you are visiting the right blog because we will provide information about houseplants that are suitable for indoors and also tips on how to care for them without sacrificing your comfort.
Recommended indoor houseplants that are suitable for decorating your home
1. Butterfly Plant

This unique plant has a shape similar to a butterfly, so it is very suitable to be used as an indoor plant to decorate your home. When exposed to light, the flowers and leaves of this plant will open and close. Well, this ability is called a photophilic ability.
2. Peace Lily

This beautiful plant has a function to clean the air and can grow under fluorescent light. So, it is perfect for a room that is not too exposed to sunlight.
3. Lucky Bamboo

Just like its name, this plant is often said to bring good luck. The plant can also grow in water or soil so it’s arguably easy to care for. If planted in the water you just need to change the water every 7-10 days. If planted in the ground, always water it if the soil feels dry.
4. Baby Toes

This plant is still included in the succulent family. Very suitable as an indoor houseplant because it does not need sun exposure.
5. Anthurium

Anthurium is a plant that is not difficult to care for and is suitable for decorating your home to make it more colorful. But remember, don’t store this plant under direct sun.
6. Asparagus Fern

Asparagus Fern, which is still included in the lily family, is perfect for decorating the corners of your house. Especially if the leaves are thick. Because, if the leaves are getting thicker, this plant will also look more beautiful.
7. Jade Plant

Jade plant is an indoor plant with a long life span. How to care for it is also easy, just wipe the leaves from the dust so that this plant still looks nice and shiny. Oh, and if you are diligent in cleaning the leaves, this plant’s ability to absorb sunlight will increase.
8. Tillandsia

Tillandsia is a plant that is hassle-free to care for because it doesn’t need soil to survive. This plant can also be kept in a perforated terrarium. So, it is suitable for those of you who want to have plants but don’t want to be complicated dealing with pots or soil.
9. Chinese Money

Chinese money is a plant that is suitable to be placed indoors because of its beautiful shape. This plant is usually placed on the table and can even be hung. This plant is also easy to care for because it doesn’t require a lot of water and can be watered 3 times a week.
10. Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy is a popular vine and is perfect for beginners. You can hang this plant on the wall as a decoration for your home. This plant is also useful for cleaning the air and can grow in water.
11. Echeveria

Echeveria is a type of succulent that is often encountered. The maintenance is easy and you can use it to decorate your room. But remember, this plant can die if the soil is wet. So, don’t water it too often!
12. Rubber Fig

Rubber fig has a function to absorb formaldehyde and oxygen. So, it is suitable for decorating the room of the house as well as serving as a room freshener.
13. Lavender

Lavender is often encountered as a plant that serves to beautify the room and also makes the room smell fresh. The aroma of this plant is not liked by mosquitoes, so it is very suitable as a natural mosquito repellent.
14. Monstera

Monstera is a popular plant and is often sought after among plant lovers. The perforated leaves make this plant look beautiful and attractive.
15. Orchid

You’ve probably seen this next indoor plant in many homes. This beautiful plant has many types and is often used as decoration in the house by hanging it or placing it in a pot.
16. Paris Lily

Paris lily or commonly known as spider plant is a plant that has a unique shape. This plant is very suitable for decoration in your house and can also function as a room freshener.
17. Sansevieria

Sansevieria is a plant that is easy to care for and can clean the air in your room. This plant can grow in all light conditions. We recommend that you put this plant in the shade and avoid direct sunlight. This plant can also last a long time without water
18. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant that belongs to the succulent family. This plant requires plenty of sun and will do well when planted in dry soil. Besides that, aloe vera also has many benefits, one of which is helping hair growth.
19. Cactus

Cactus is a plant that has various shapes and is very suitable for home decoration. The maintenance is also easy, because it only needs to be watered once a week.
20. Peperomia

Peperomia is also a suitable indoor houseplant for your house. This plant can grow in a narrow room so it is perfect to decorate your bookshelf or as a small table decoration. Peperomia can last a long time without hydration and can grow well under fluorescent light.
21. Maidenhair Fern (Suplir)

This last plant is a plant that is quite difficult to care for because it requires an environment that is not dry and has clean air. However, it is still good as an indoor plant because it can make a room look much fresher.
Tips on taking care of your indoor houseplants that you have
Now, after you know some indoor houseplants that are suitable for decorating your home, you are probably confused about how you should take care of them, right? Here are 8 tips on how to take care of your indoor houseplants that we have provided .
1. Know the soil, know when to water your houseplants
If your houseplants grow in pots, the first houseplant tips we can tell you is to feel its soils with your own hands to know when you need to water it. It’s a life hack if you’re unsure about when or how often you need to water your houseplants. The most basic rule is to check the first inch of soil to make sure whether it’s already dry or not. If it’s dry, then you know what to do. In addition to that, if you witness the leaves start getting discolored, you might as well need extra water to nourish it better.
2. Underwater is better than overwater
You might wonder why it’s better for your houseplants to be water-deprived rather than having too much water. This next houseplant tip has something to do with its time of recovery. Houseplants recover faster when they lack water than being given an excess amount of it. In fact, if you overwater your houseplants, you might need to repot the plant. Don’t forget to remove unhealthy roots (if any) and change the overwatered soil before moving it to a new pot.
3. Water your houseplants deeply
Still related with watering, it’s also better for you to water your houseplants deeply than lightly and frequently. That way, your houseplants may be able to absorb whatever they need from the water, not only the upper part of the roots. In other words, to keep everything in balance. To prevent overwater, you can pour water slowly to your houseplants and carefully watch whether the water drains through soil or not. If you notice such a condition happens, it’s a sign for you to stop watering your houseplants.
4. When in doubt, skip fertilization
Houseplants are typically the type of plants that need little care. So, fertilization isn’t necessarily needed until you notice that your own houseplants are struggling to grow. That’s when fertilization comes in. If you don’t know the exact type or amount of fertilization that you need, it’s better to not use it at all. If you insist, you might put too much fertilization on your houseplants. Instead of helping them, you might be the first reason why they die in the end.
Are you new to the idea of growing plants? Do you want to give it a try? See our recommendations of plants that you can try as a beginner here!
5. Be consistent
Assess your room first to decide where you need to put your houseplants permanently, if not for a long time. It’s done to make your houseplants get used to their surroundings, they grow the best under that kind of condition. With the right amount of sunlight, humidity, and temperature. If any of those aspects seems to fluctuate, the chances are it will hinder your houseplants to grow. In the worst scenario, it might even lead your houseplants to eventually die. So, this houseplants tip might be easy but don’t let it trick you. Small things matter.
6. Never pull your houseplants when you repot them
If you’re planning to put your houseplants in new pots, there’s one thing that you need to keep in mind. It’s for you to not pull it out directly. Not only will it damage the stems and leaves, but it will also harm their roots. If any of it happens to be damaged, your houseplants need time to recover before they can fully absorb nutrients in a normal pace again. That being said, pulling out your houseplants with your own hands is never a good option to begin with. You may need other items, such as a trowel, scissors or sharp knife, potting mix, and gloves.
7. Clean your houseplants from dust
Getting dust on their leaves is very plausible to happen, since you mostly put your houseplants indoors. Once in a while, check the leaves of your houseplants to make sure that there’s no dust on it. If you notice it, grab a wet cloth and clean it gently by wiping it off from both sides of the leaves. Having too many dusts on the leaves might prevent your houseplants from absorbing the sunlight required for them to survive, which isn’t a good thing for sure.
8. Houseplants need drainage holes
Although most houseplants require little to moderate amounts of water, that doesn’t mean you can simply leave drainage holes of their pots out of consideration. Not only will it prevent your houseplants to experience overwater, but it will also allow the roots of your houseplants to breathe the air. Make sure that the roots aren’t suffocated with water.
There you have it, some of the easiest houseplant tips that you can try to keep your houseplants well and healthy as it should. Although they require less care compared to other types of plants, it’s important to put a minimum effort in order to keep them alive. Don’t forget to check other important tips that you can find in this blog made by Flokq!
You may also want to read: best places to buy plants in Jakarta
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