Tag: jakarta

Foreign Cultural Centers In Jakarta

Foreign Cultural Centers In Jakarta

People are changing and also the world. With a lot of globalization and modernization that is happened around the world,…

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6 Restaurants You Must Visit in Kemang

6 Restaurants You Must Visit in Kemang

Kemang is an area in South Jakarta that is already familiar to residents of Jakarta. Many young people consider Kemang…

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Mainstream Cars in Jakarta

Mainstream Cars in Jakarta

Most of the best-selling cars in Indonesia in 2019 is by far the 7-passenger family car. According to Gaikindo, Toyota…

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Indonesian Tourism Destination with Direct Flights from Jakarta

Indonesian Tourism Destination with Direct Flights from Jakarta

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and is one of the busiest cities in Indonesia. Starting from the variety of…

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Best Street Food Centers in Jakarta

Best Street Food Centers in Jakarta

In Jakarta, street food vendors are usually gathered in one spot, so we can stroll along the way while choosing…

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Dos and Don’ts at a Jakarta Concert

Dos and Don’ts at a Jakarta Concert

You don’t necessarily have to be a particularly devout fan of any bands or idol groups to go to concerts,…

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Indonesian Culinary Delights in Jakarta:  from Aceh to Papua

Indonesian Culinary Delights in Jakarta: from Aceh to Papua

Indonesian cuisine is one of the richest culinary traditions in the world and full of strong flavors. The richness of…

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4 Best Restaurants to Celebrate Christmas in Jakarta

4 Best Restaurants to Celebrate Christmas in Jakarta

Indonesia may be the largest country with Muslim citizens, but it doesn’t mean that Christmas doesn’t get celebrated often, here…

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Transport Cards in Jakarta

Transport Cards in Jakarta

As the capital city of Indonesia and a developing city, Jakarta has adequate public transportation to make it easy for…

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Car Ownership Guide For Expats in Jakarta

Car Ownership Guide For Expats in Jakarta

As a metropolitan city, many people in Jakarta come from other cities. This causes public transportation to be crowded and…

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