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12 Yoga Movement Exercises for Beginners: Easy and Definitely Beneficial!

In recent years, yoga is increasingly popular and is tried by various ages. Yoga itself is a physical activity that involves meditation with techniques of stretching, breathing, balancing, and body flexibility to achieve harmony and harmony between emotion, soul, mental, spirituality and body. In addition, yoga is also a form of exercise because it has many benefits for the body. Posture or series of movements and breathing are the two main components of yoga. Apart from providing relaxation and peace of mind, yoga is quite easy to do anywhere and anytime. If you already understand some of the basic yoga movements after trying them with the direction and guidance of a yoga instructor, you can repeat them at home.


Benefits of Yoga

Apart from being a form of exercise, there are various benefits of yoga for health. If you still feel reluctant to practice yoga, perhaps the following benefits can make you change your mind. Yoga is a relaxation tool that can help you improve your mental and mental health by reducing stress, depression and sleep disorders. In addition, it can also increase self-confidence and the ability to think positively. The regular breathing process in yoga helps you regulate your breathing, increases lung capacity and improves blood circulation to all brain cells and body.

Physically, yoga is useful to build flexibility, balance and body strength. Forms a firmer posture and stronger muscles. The more regularly you do yoga, the better your posture and body shape can be. The positive impact can also lose weight and shrink the stomach. Yoga is also useful for improving the function of the endocrine (hormonal) glands in the body and helps prevent and treat several health problems such as heart disease, arthritis, asthma, and high blood pressure. Finally, yoga is useful for increasing the function of the endocrine (hormonal) glands in the body.

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12 Basic Yoga Moves for Beginners

At first glance, people think this sport is easy to do, but actually yoga also requires a lot of persistence and flexibility. Here are some basic yoga movements that you can do again as a form of exercise at home.

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)


Mountain pose or tadasana is the basic pose for all yoga poses that are performed standing (standing) and upside down (inversion) and for starting other poses. Because of this, mountain poses will naturally help in improving posture. Another benefit of this standing pose is that it increases body awareness, strengthens the legs, and improves harmony between the limbs.

How to do:

2. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)


The Tree Pose is useful for stretching the thighs, groin, torso, and shoulders. This pose builds strength in the ankles and calves, and tones the abdominal muscles. As well as improving balance and stability in the legs.

How to do:

3. Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana)


There are 5 types of warrior poses, warrior 1 is the most basic. This pose is one of the fundamental yoga positions to help build strength, balance and flexibility.

How to do:

4. Warrior 2 Pose


Warrior 2 pose is a continuation of warrior 1 pose with the same benefits for flexibility and balance.

How to do:

5. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


The downward-facing dog is also the foundation of many yoga movements. This pose will drain blood to the brain so it is very good for the circulatory system. This pose will also strengthen the inner abdominal muscles which help stabilize the spine.

How to do:

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6. Cobra (Bhujangasana)


Cobra pose is a beginner level yoga pose aimed at working out the back muscles. This pose can also increase spinal mobility, strengthen the muscles that support the spine, to help relieve back pain.

How to do:

7. Full Plank


The Plank Pose is a yoga movement that tones all of the core muscles of the body, including the stomach, chest, and lower back. This exercise strengthens the arms, wrists, and shoulders, and is often used to prepare the body for more challenging arm balance. Practicing Planks for a few minutes builds endurance and stamina, as well as tones the nervous system.

How to do:

8. Triangle Forward Pose (parivrtta trikosana)


The triangle forward pose has the benefit of opening the chest and shoulders. Ensures mobility of the hip and neck joints and provides proper stretch to the spine and strengthens the muscles in the thighs, hips, and back.

How to do:

9. Bridge Pose


Bridge pose is a yoga movement useful for stretching the back of the body and training shoulder muscle strength. This pose also helps develop awareness of the muscles in your legs and helps build strength in the supporting muscles in your legs and hips.

How to do:

10. Seated Forward Bend


It is important to include this pose in yoga practice to stretch the hamstrings, lower back, and sides. Slouching forward while sitting is the perfect fold for everyone to start opening up their bodies and learning to breathe through uncomfortable positions. If you feel a sharp pain, you should step back and relax the pull slowly. You can also bend your knees in the pose as long as your legs stay bent and together.

How to do:

11. Wide Child’s Pose


Wide Child’s Pose is usually a pose that is done at the end of each session as a resting pose. This pose is very comfortable and helps the muscles to relax more after doing some tough poses and testing their previous stamina.

How to do:

12. Corpse Pose (Shavasana)


Corpse Pose is a meditative ending pose performed at every yoga practice. The purpose of this pose is to relieve stress and calms your mind after your yoga practice. It also induces your body into a relaxed state.

How to do:

So, those are the basic yoga movements for beginners and the benefits of each! Don’t forget to pay attention to the instructions and don’t force yourself to do extreme levels of movement that can make you injured. Stay healthy!

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