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10 Jakarta Picnic Parks You Can Visit on the Weekend

Jakarta is the capital city filled with tall skyscrapers. This very busy 24-hour city makes its residents often feel tired. Therefore, it is not uncommon for those who choose to have a picnic for a while to relieve fatigue from work during weekdays. This time, Flokq will discuss and provide recommendations for Jakarta Picnic Parks that you can visit on the weekend.

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1. Suropati Park

The first Jakarta picnic park is Taman Suropati, which has been around since 1920 and is the oldest park in Jakarta. It is located in the Menteng area, right at the confluence of three roads, namely Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jalan Teuku Umar, and Jalan Diponegoro. Because the air is very cool, this park is also a favorite of many people, especially for sitting under a large tree that is hundreds of years old. Not only that, but this park is also complete with a jogging track, Wifi, children’s games, and a food court. The beauty is also added with a fountain and fish in the middle.

Source: detik

2. Menteng Park

The location of this Jakarta picnic park is not too far from Suropati Park, precisely on Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto, Menteng, Central Jakarta. The facilities are even more complete because there are futsal courts, basketball courts, and Wifi. Menteng Park is a child-friendly park because there is a fountain filled with fish.

Source: Beritasatu

3. Jakarta Mangrove Park

The next Jakarta picnic park is the Jakarta Mangrove Park, where you can see the original habitat of mangrove trees. The area, called Angke Mangrove Forest Nature Park, is located on Jalan Pantai Indah Utara I, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. You can go there by private vehicle or public transportation. In addition, you can also see a variety of animals such as cranes, pigeons, crabs, and several types of small fish.

4. Langsat Park

Langsat Park can also be called a hidden gem for a Jakarta picnic park because not many people know about its existence. This park is indeed quiet during the day, perfect for those of you who are looking for tranquility and solitude. Moreover, the added facilities are still very limited. Even so, you will still be able to enjoy the sounds of birds chirping and the shade of the trees in this park.

Source: Yukepo

5. Medan Merdeka Park

The Jakarta picnic park is one of the recommendations for those of you who like to exercise, both alone and with family. Morning or afternoon is the most suitable time to visit Medan Merdeka Park. However, it is not recommended to visit this park during the day because there are not enough shady trees for you to take shelter. So it will be very hot and sultry. In addition, you are also advised to bring your own lunch because hawkers are prohibited from selling in this area.

Source: Kompasiana

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6. Tribeca Park

This Jakarta picnic park is often referred to as a refreshing oasis in the midst of the hustle and bustle of West Jakarta. This park is part of the Central Park Mall complex which looks beautiful and beautiful. Especially with the variety of ornamental plants and colorful flowers. Tribeca Park also has a pond containing koi fish which according to their belief can bring good luck. In addition, visiting this park at night will also be very exciting because there is a fountain interspersed with sparkling lights. The atmosphere looks very serene and romantic for those who are in pairs.

7. GBK Urban Forest

This 4.6-hectare urban forest is now a Jakarta picnic park. The place is predicted to be Central Park, New York because the land is decorated with trees and panoramic views of tall buildings. Many spend time with family or friends just to breathe fresh air. In addition, this park is also equipped with facilities such as kiosks, security posts, amphitheater park, trembesi pool, the main plaza, changing rooms, toilets, and trash cans. The visitors are free of charge unless bringing a private vehicle will be charged the GBK parking rate.

Source: Detik

8. Twin house Cipete

The Jakarta picnic park in the South Jakarta area is actually a cafe with a vintage-style home concept and modern interior design. Not only indoors, but Twin House Cipete also provides equipment for picnics. So you don’t have to bother bringing things for a picnic. All equipment such as mats, pillows, small tables, to children’s play areas is rented out.

Source: Brisik

9. Coffee Dia

This Jakarta picnic park in West Jakarta carries a vintage concept with buildings that look like they are not maintained with the impression of an 80s house and unstructured bricks but are actually interesting. This place offers a large outdoor courtyard for picnics complete with tables decorated with props such as baskets and flowers. This comfort is coupled with modern music played through the speakers to accompany the visitors. For vegans, this cafe is the place for you because they have a special menu for vegans.

Source: Brisik

10. Gordi HQ

Last but not least, this Jakarta picnic park is located in South Jakarta, precisely in Cipete. Coffee Shop with indoor and outdoor concept and green grass which is suitable for picnics because they provide mats and tables. They also serve very fresh Indonesian coffee for coffee lovers. In addition, they provide several facilities to make you more comfortable, such as Wifi, smoking area, electric plug, prayer room, and toilet.

Source: Tempat

Thus the list of Jakarta picnic parks that you can visit, have you decided which one will be your destination for a picnic? Don’t forget to check the Flokq website to find the ideal residence for you.

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