Tips to Stay Productive While Working From Home

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has ordered large-scale social restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/PSBB) in order to prevent the spread of the virus. As a consequence, people have been staying at home to continue their study and work. For some people, staying at home might affect their productivity, since it’s easier to be lazy around their comfort zone. If you’re one of those people, don’t worry. It’s time to change yourself and be more productive even though you need to do everything at home. Here are a few tips that you can try. 

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1. Make or Prepare Your Own Working Space 

a workplace at home

In order for you to focus on your work, especially at home where your comfort zone is around, it’s important to make a specific space dedicated to finish your tasks. It can only consist of a table and a chair, as simple as that. But, it’s also up to you if you want to decorate it, to make it look better. Make sure that it’s spacious and comfortable in accordance with your liking. It’s better if you have a space where you can close the door to prevent yourself from getting distracted.

2. Create a To-Do List

create a to do list for yourself

To-Do List here is intended to remind you of what you need to do each day and to keep you on track about each activity. To-Do List will also be beneficial because you can also plan the timing on each activity that you need to do, so you can finish everything by the end of the day before taking a rest. That being said, this is also to prevent you from working too much. After all, planning and time management is still as important as doing your work. 

3. Exercise 


Yes, you read that correctly. You might wonder why you have to exercise while you have tons of things to do. However, exercise here is aimed to train your mind and your body to be better. Not only will exercise keep your body fit, help you to stay in shape and healthy, but it’s scientifically proven that people who do exercise regularly also tend to focus on something better, and they have higher productivity rate. It doesn’t have to be a heavy exercise, you can do your favorite sport (any kind of sport) by yourself or with your family for 10-30 minutes in the middle of your schedule. 

read also, easy workout at home for you to try!

4. Cooperate with People at Your Home

the value of family meetings

People or our family in general might turn out to be the biggest distraction that we have during Work from Home (WFH). Therefore, it’s important for you to discuss and ask for their cooperation whenever you have works to do. You have to make them understand about what you need in order to get your tasks done. It doesn’t mean you have to isolate yourself from people around you. For example, ask for their understanding to not disturb you around certain hours because you’re working around that period of time. 

5. Listen to Instrumental Music

listen to some intrumental music

You might have heard that listening to instrumental music is very helpful to keep you focused rather than listening to other types of music in general. As instrumental music doesn’t have any lyrics, it won’t shift any of your focus away. It’ll be much impactful if you can listen to it through your headphones, keeping other noises that can distract your attention out. However, if you think that you work better without any sound or music around you, you don’t have to force yourself to listen to instrumental music. Some people prefer to listen to something as they work because they enjoy it, whereas some people don’t. Everyone is different nonetheless. 

6. Stay Healthy

eat healthy foods

You can’t do your work at your best, even when you’re doing it from home, if you are sick. Even if you can, it’s likely that the result will be different in comparison when you’re healthy. Being constantly at home shouldn’t stop you from maintaining your lifestyle or eating vegetables and fruits to keep your vitamin needs intact. It doesn’t only apply to your physical health, but also your mental health. To keep you from being drained out, it’s okay to take a break in between, have a proper rest, and do your hobby once in a while. 

7. Stay Away from Social Media


Limit the duration when you can access your social media, because it’s hard to deny that social media can distract us the most from our work. We can keep scrolling without realizing that time has passed us by. Therefore, it’s better if you can allocate your time to check your social media only when you’re currently on a break. That way, your working hours won’t get affected and you still can catch up with important notifications from friends and family. Some people even prefer to stay away from their phone all at once. 

you might also want to read about ways to have healthy relationship with you social media, here

8. Take a Break

Take a Break!

As it has been mentioned before, it’s also important to take a break between each activity that we do in a day. This will allow your mind to break free from any pressure or stress for a moment, which is significant to keep ideas flowing. Truth to be told, you might find it hard to get inspiration or idea when you feel stressed or pressured. That’s why, try to allocate a certain hour dedicated to let your body and mind rest. If you push yourself too much, not only will it affect your body, it will also affect the result of your work. So, make sure to know your own limits and when you need to take a break. 

So, those are some tips that you can try in the middle of this pandemic while you need to continue working from home. Remember to adjust each of those with yourself. Don’t forget to check other valuable tips or hacks on our blog!

read also about basic rights for apartment tenants here

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